Your Guide for How To Compare Medicare Plans

Do you know how to compare Medicare plans or why you should? Medicare can save you thousands of dollars on health care, compared to other alternatives. However, you can save thousands more if you choose the right plan and adequate coverage. When making a decision, it’s important to look beyond just the immediate or monthly […]
What Is the Difference Between OEP and AEP for Medicare?

In many ways, having Medicare is simpler and more straightforward than dealing with traditional private health insurance plans. However, some aspects of Medicare can be confusing, especially when it comes to enrolling in a plan or making changes to your coverage. Most new enrollments and policy changes must take place during either an annual enrollment […]
Turning 65? 5 Simple Steps To Get Signed Up for the Best Medicare Plan

Medicare Basics Medicare is a single-payer, federal health insurance program available to anyone who is at least 65 years old, as well as some younger people who have certain illnesses or disabilities. Medicare coverage is divided into three parts: Part A – Hospital Insurance: Primarily covers care in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities Part […]
Everything You Need To Know About the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period

What Changes Can You Make During the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period? The changes you can make include: Joining a Medicare prescription drug plan Dropping a Medicare prescription drug plan Changing from a Medicare Advantage plan to Original Medicare Changing from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan Changing from a Medicare Advantage plan with […]